Where to visit in Kaliningrad in 3 days?


What to see in Kaliningrad in 1, 2 or 3 days on your own? Consider all the best attractions on the map, draw up a walking route for those who like to arrange excursions on their own, find out prices for sightseeing programs around the city as part of a group with a guide, find out what to do in the evening and where to walk together, where to go with children.

The long-awaited summer is coming - the time for vacations and active rest. A little preparation and familiarization with the peculiarities of the city will allow it to be carried out successfully and interestingly. Brief instructions and tips on what to visit in Kaliningrad and the region will help you to compose your own individual boards of an entertainment and educational program.

Where to visit in Kaliningrad is a must?

Kaliningrad is one of the most ancient and beautiful cities in Russia. For a long time it was the heart of East Prussia and contains many sights, cultural and religious monuments.

It should be clearly indicated what to see in Kaliningrad in 3 days in summer. Today the following list of the most interesting and memorable places of the city and its surroundings is presented:

Königsberg cathedral

The visiting card of the ancient city. This amazing building was erected more than 700 years ago and successfully combines a museum, organ hall and a beautiful blooming park for peaceful and relaxing walks. The grave of Kant is located on the territory of the cathedral. Ticket prices start at 100 rubles. Opening hours from 10.00 to 18.00-19.00, depending on the day of the week;

Museum "Blindage"

It will certainly appeal to connoisseurs of history and the Second World War. It is located in a bunker underground and contains exhibits from the 40s. Colorful exhibitions allow you to travel back to the times of harsh battles and get acquainted with the life of field officers. Tickets for schoolchildren - 30 rubles, for adults - 100 rubles;

Friedland gate

Have become one of the favorite places to visit for tourists. The gate provided control of entry and exit from the city. Today they serve as a museum and preserve many old German gizmos and household items that were used in the pre-war period. You can visit this amazing place on weekdays from 10 am to 6 pm Ticket prices start from 30 rubles;

Torture museum

Popular torture museum located in an old castle. Many guests of the city come here to see the ancient weapons of the executioners, to get acquainted with the tortures of the Middle Ages. It is here that you are invited to visit a restaurant and dine surrounded by formidable knights. Themed souvenirs can be purchased on the territory of the museum. You can come to the torture castle any day from 9.00 to 19.00. The ticket price is 50 rubles. You will have to pay for the restaurant separately;

Curonian Spit

A wonderful and picturesque place where to visit Kaliningrad on the advice of the locals. A thin strip of land recedes into the distance and, as it were, dissolves among the waves of the Baltic Sea and the calm Curonian Lagoon. You can walk here absolutely free of charge at any time, by the way, there are excellent options for vacation rentals;

Fishing village

A bright and lively corner of the city, there are many hotels, cafes, clubs and other entertainment facilities. In search of a suitable place to take a walk in Kaliningrad in the evening, it is worth stopping on this street. In the village you can have a great rest, listen to music and buy interesting souvenirs;

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

It occupies an important place in the life of the entire city and region. The building is over 50 meters high. It is distinguished by its restrained architecture and pleases tourists and guests of the city with its graceful snow-white face. You can visit this amazing place free of charge any day;

Monument to Boron Munchausen

It was created by a German craftsman and is now adorned in the central park of the city. This is a great place for memorable and creative photos;

Park Yunost

Perfect for lovers of nature and outdoor culture. Here you can swim on catamarans and boats, have fun on rides and eat cotton candy.

These are not all interesting places in Kaliningrad that are worth visiting, but the most popular and famous ones. For a more accurate plan of the route of walking through the significant objects of the city, we indicated their location on the map.

City sights on the map

Prices for excursions in Kaliningrad

Coming to the city for a couple of days, you always want to cover as many informative and intriguing sights as possible. Sometimes an excursion program becomes an excellent solution. Guests of the city are invited:

  • A tour of the evening city and a boat trip will allow you to appreciate the architecture and peculiarities of Kaliningrad, see many significant places and enjoy a mini-trip along a quiet calm river. The cost of the program is 950 rubles. The excursion starts at 17.00 on Tuesdays and Fridays;
  • you can visit the amazing ancient quarter of Amalienau and appreciate the luxurious life of the aristocrats, their luxurious villas and interesting architecture of buildings. The price of such a walk is 2000 rubles, the trips are carried out daily;
  • The excursion to the so-called "fish places" will appeal to tourists who have decided to arrange a gastronomic trip around Kaliningrad. The program includes visits to tastings and familiarization with the peculiarities of the cuisine of this region. You can try seafood delicacies on Sunday at 10.00 and 17.00. On other days, the starting time of the trip should be specified. The cost of the excursion is 2220 rubles.

The sights of Kaliningrad and its environs are so varied and exciting that anyone can find interesting entertainment in their spirit. A multitude of museums, modern restaurants, ancient and innovative buildings and monuments are always waiting for the guests of the city.

Programs by directions:

The cost of excursions in Kaliningrad should be checked with the guides. It may vary depending on the month and day of the week of the program.

Where to go with children?

Going on a trip with children, you should also take care of their leisure. Kaliningrad offers the following entertainment for kids:

  • visit the Yunost house in the park, where everything is upside down. Such an amazing house will remain in the memory of children for a long time;
  • the amber museum will allow you to see how varied and luxurious products made of noble materials can be. You can walk along the embankment near the castle and buy interesting amber figurines;
  • the zoo in Kaliningrad is very beautiful and spacious. Here kids can get to know the inhabitants of forests and steppes better, observe the habits of animals, and even feed some of them;
  • the Museum of the World Ocean will be very interesting for boys, but young travelers will also be able to have good fun in such a significant place. The museum offers to get acquainted with models of ships, various exhibits of ship craft, ship magazines.

You can visit the submarine museum and research vessel. Kids are offered entertainment programs in parks and childcare facilities.

What to see in Kaliningrad in 3 days?

Correctly calculating the funds and time to visit the most amazing places in the city will allow a clear schedule of trips to significant places:

  • on the first day, it is proposed to visit the churches, temples and cathedrals of the city. Almost all of them are located in the center and delight tourists with unique architecture and majestic beauty;
  • the second day can be devoted to a trip to the amber museum, history and art museum, museum "Bunker".
  • The third day should be devoted to the natural beauty of the region and go to the picturesque botanical garden, the Curonian Spit or see the fort of King Frederick Wilhelm III.

Independent walks in Kaliningrad will reveal to tourists many monuments and interesting houses and cultural monuments hidden in the streets.

For active travelers, we recommend renting a car, Economybokings, the site searches among all rental companies and compares prices.

Life hacks for tourists:

  • When planning a vacation, you will definitely need accommodation options on Booking.
  • You can find out how to save money, find cheap air tickets and see prices on a separate page dedicated to flights in this direction.
