What to see in Sochi and where to go? My review


Author: Igor

In this text, I decided to collect the main sights of Greater Sochi, which we visited during a month and a half of wintering. I'll tell you what to see in Sochi on your own and where to go to eat and drink delicious coffee. The Sochi coast stretches for more than 150 km, and, of course, you can find interesting places everywhere - but I will focus on the central part and Adler, as the most popular areas.

For convenience, I will divide the material into 3 parts: what to see in the city of Sochi itself, what to see in its vicinity and separately in Adler.

What to see in the city of Sochi itself?

In general, in Sochi there are not so many large-scale attractions - such that it would be direct "wow!" Besides the sea, of course :) But you can make a list suitable for 1-2 days in the city. We drove into central Sochi one day from Adler by car and managed to bypass it far and wide.

Navaginskaya street

This is the main pedestrian street in Sochi - like Arbat in Moscow or Bauman in Kazan. Located very close to the railway station. Navaginskaya is two sidewalks a kilometer long, separated by a palm alley, and surrounded by all kinds of shopping centers and café-restaurants. It is more beautiful here in the evening, when a good half of the advertising bacchanalia is hidden in the dark, and the lights are lit. Before the Olympics, the street was an ordinary road for cars, but for the Games it was reconstructed into a pedestrian road. Good decision:)

  • Navaginskaya is also part of the Central District of Sochi. Should a tourist stop there, or are there better areas? Read in our separate article.

There are two specialty coffee shops, one good and the other just great. The first one is Surf Coffee on Navaginskaya, a local monopolist, the second - LA coffee, a paradise for those who no longer have the strength to go to Cerf :) Both coffee shops are small, but with a pleasant terrace, you can sit overlooking the street and palm trees and enjoy the calm atmosphere - at least in the off-season it is exactly like that.

Historic boulevard

Despite the understandable name, there is no logic in this place: first, Istorichesky Boulevard cannot be found on the map; secondly, this is not a boulevard in the classical sense. This is the name of the walking route with stops at 35 attractions - including monuments, hotel buildings, historical buildings. We have placed stands with maps around the city and lure tourists for walks.

I must say that the distance from the starting point and the farthest point of the route is about 10 kilometers. Well, and add that some sights may seem far-fetched (for example, a concert hall - there is such a Sssrovian in every city).

Winter theater

The initial - or final, as you see it - point of the Historical Boulevard, but primarily an independent unit. Deserves attention! It is in the Sochi Winter Theater that the Kinotavr festival is held every year. With a stretch it can be compared with the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, which is also admired from the outside, or "splurge" on tickets to get inside. It's good that the cost of access to the Winter Palace is incomparably low: from 1,500 rubles for concerts and from 500 rubles for other events.

Sea port

Ships of various sizes - from fishing boats to a certain degree of luxury of yachts - round dances of screaming seagulls and the smell of the sea. Seaports are so unusual for a person from central Russia that they are capable of transferring by atmosphere somewhere to resort Europe. True, the obsession is knocked down by barkers on excursions - they will not lag behind until you agree or run away (but you can agree, I liked the boat trip, it costs 1000–1500 rubles per person for an hour and a half).

The building of the seaport is especially remarkable, it stands out both from the outside and from the inside. Unfortunately, we were in the midst of pandemic restrictions, and could not enter - but we managed to take a picture through the glass door, look at the photo above, how cute!

Sochi Arboretum

We saw this view when climbing to the Arboretum.

If there is anything truly impressive in Sochi, it is an arboretum. And if you are also a fan of outlandish bushes-trees-plants, then this is definitely your stop. Huge-o-ohm, fragrant, green, shady - it's nice to wait out a hot day here.

The arboretum is divided into 2 parts: upper (large) and lower (five times less). We did not reinvent the wheel and examined the park in the most optimal way - we climbed to its extreme point on the cable car from Kurortny Prospekt and walked down to the avenue on foot. The funicular is old, shabby, but the views from the upper station are wonderful: the mountains, the sea, and Sochi in detail.

What's the cover charge:

  • General ticket - 320 rubles for an adult, 150 rubles for children from 7 to 14 years old.
  • Only the Lower Arboretum - 150 rubles for an adult, 70 rubles for children.

Funicular is paid separately: 500 rubles one way per adult, 400 rubles per child.

Riviera promenade and central beach

One of the most popular places in Sochi. There is no crowding here during the season, but we arrived at the end of October, and therefore there were fewer people. The embankment is like an embankment, you can walk on foot or rent an electric scooter or bicycle. And the central Riviera beach resembles the Adler beach near the Mandarin shopping center - also with black sand mixed with pebbles. The only thing is that in Sochi there are sports grounds with exercise equipment and cool public areas for recreation - for example, stands to sit down and watch the sea, watch the sunset.

I am sure that you know about an easy and comfortable way get to know Sochi in a few hours... This is a guided tour. But did you know that the format “bus, 50 people, guide” is hopelessly outdated and has been replaced by an author's approach - from people who live here and love their business? See what Tripster tours have become. Now it is simply not possible to take a "pig in a poke", because tourists leave reviews and impressions:

What to see in the vicinity of Sochi?

Above I have listed what to see in Sochi in 1 day. Here, or on the following days, add something from the surroundings, if you are by car. You can get to the places from the list below by public transport, but I will warn you right away that it takes a long time, and in the heat it is also difficult.

About the car.
In order to drive and see the sights in the vicinity of Sochi, it is better to rent a car. It is possible in the old fashioned way at the rental offices - having picked up and booked in advance on myrentacar.com - (this is a Russian site). Or you can take a car on the spot through the car sharing mobile app. There are two services operating in Sochi: Belka Car and YouDrive. We did just that, being in Adler we booked through UDrive standing on the neighboring Smart street for 2000 rubles per day. And in the end, it turned out 1,500 rubles, because I applied a promotional code for the first trip (GRMO3459 for Belka and sFGDCR for YouDrive).
The situation with parking in Sochi itself is not very good, but the Yandex.Maps application will help - there is a scheme for parking, paid and free (it is better not to rely on the latter).

Abandoned sanatorium Ordzhonikidze

The sanatorium is a beautiful place, you immerse yourself in the special atmosphere of the USSR

Location: Khostinsky district
How much does it cost to enter: free for now
Opening hours: all day

An interesting place that I very, very much advise you to visit. A sanatorium on a grand scale, and even from the 30s, and even abandoned, should not be missed. It is safe on the territory if you do not climb inside and watch what you are passing under. You can allocate about half an hour to the sanatorium - quite enough if you do not plan to do long photo sessions (which every second does here :)).

Sanatorium Ordzhonikidze - from the times of the USSR. Built under Stalin and recently closed in 2010. Therefore, it is not as scary as you might imagine. Bye. In general, they wanted to reopen the sanatorium, but something did not grow together. They seem to be looking after the territory, but admission is free.You can't go inside, and we didn't try - however, they say, you can pay someone and walk through the interiors. There are enough impressions outside, in addition to buildings entwined with ivy and tenacious branches of something unidentified, beautiful views of the sea open from here. And in late autumn there is such-oh-oh sweet aroma, as if napshikano perfume! Blooming osmanthus is the culprit.

Where can I park my car? After passing the sanatorium, turn through the gate onto the road up the hill, take the first sharp turn and you will see a small free parking lot next to the colonnade.
How to get there by bus? Route 125c from Adler, route 41 from Sochi to the stop Sanatorium named after Ordzhonikidze.

Orekhovsky waterfall

Location: Selo Plastunka
How much does it cost to enter: free
Opening hours: all day

I am reading the brochure: the second highest waterfall in Sochi (27 meters), free, 30 minutes from Sochi. It is certainly worth a visit! The path is not difficult if you drive up close by car. At the end there is a metal staircase with 250 - like - steps, so you go down to the foot of the waterfall. Here we liked how the waterfall itself (high, but not the most full-flowing in autumn), and the picturesque road to it.

Where can I park my car? I advise you to leave any non-SUV as soon as the asphalt ends at a bend and the off-road begins - 1.5 km before the waterfall. Foolishly, we slipped into the Smart and found out that after the deceptively passed slabs, there are stones and serpentine roads with a very narrow road, where it is difficult to get away with an oncoming car. I had to go back and walk the path with my feet. If you are not sure about driving, park in advance and walk - it takes about 20 minutes.
How to get there by bus? Route 102 from Sochi to the stop Orekhovka.

Stalin's dacha

Location: Sanatorium Zelenaya Roscha
How much does the entrance cost: 350 rubles - for adults, 200 rubles - for children from 7 to 13 years old
Working hours: from 10:00 to 18:00

Apparently, Stalin had many dachas and estates for recreation - I was surprised to learn that in addition to the Abkhaz one on Lake Ritsa, there is also this one. Located on the way from Sochi to Adler (or vice versa). The reviews are ambiguous: a large complex in the color of the vegetation around, you can go inside, even some elements of the original interior have been preserved. But only a small part of the premises is open for inspection, and the atmosphere is "Spartan" ... nothing remarkable. This is probably why the mummer Stalin works at the dacha, conducting excursions to everyone (+3000 rubles for tickets).

How to get there by bus? Route 115 or 48 from Sochi to the stop Sanatorium Zelenaya Roscha; route 125s from Adler to the same stop.

Zmeikovsky waterfalls

How much does the entrance cost: 150 rubles
Working hours: from 8:00 to 19:00

After the Orekhovsky waterfall (it is higher) and its status as the second highest waterfall in Sochi, I realized that there is little that can interrupt the impressions. This is the story with the Zmeikovsky waterfalls, it is better to watch them BEFORE Orekhovsky.

There are 7 waterfalls in total, some are cascading, others are a classic stream of water from a height. We were out of luck with the weather and only visited the first two. They are the most accessible, because the road always goes uphill and is not easy already in the first 100 meters, but the most common ones are a little more than a stream (in the summer, the waterfalls, unfortunately, are not flowing). But the area is very beautiful!

How to get there by bus? Route 120 from Sochi to the Izmailovka stop.

Agur gorge, waterfalls and Akhun mountain

How much does the entrance cost: 150 rubles

I like places like this: when you make your way, as if in the jungle from the movies, along the stones and roots to the goal, and the sky is covered by huge trees and mountain slopes. Here the goal is three Agursky waterfalls, and the gorge is the very slopes of the mountains that obscure the view. These waterfalls are the most popular, but they often dry up in summer, read the fresh reviews beforehand.

The route to the last waterfall stretches for 2 kilometers, and then you can make a march to Mount Akhun (+2.5 kilometers), and keep in mind that this is for those who are prepared. There is an observation tower on the mountain overlooking the sea and surrounding vegetation - but I would leave that for a separate walk.

Where can I park my car? Parking near the Caucasian Aul restaurant.
How to get there by bus? Route 43 from Sochi to the Substation stop (and walk 40 minutes to the payment point).

Yew-boxwood grove

How much does the entrance cost: 300 rubles

A tourist walking route through the Sochi nature with several variations: a small circle for 1 hour - for the elderly, families with small children and those who do not want to bother going up and down; and a large circle for 3-4 hours is already more difficult, with a rocky road and hills.

Popular place, take water and a snack with you - and go for a fitness activity for the whole day (if you choose a large circle).

How to get there by bus? Route 50 from both Sochi and Adler to the Khosta-Most stop.

What to see in the Adler district of Sochi?

In Adler, we spent most of our trip lasting a month and a half, so we can give a lot of advice about this place! And here's the main thing: if you are torn between Sochi or Adler, choose Adler if you need a quieter atmosphere and without fuss. Well, in Sochi it's the opposite, a big city.

Olympic Park and Singing Fountains

We rode in the park on rented scooters or bicycles

A huge open space for walking, which we all inherited after the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games. The entrance is free, and in fact, it is a large area with stadiums. By 19:30 (in summer) and by 18:00 (in winter) come to see the Singing Fountains - you can't compare with the Dubai ones, but it's also good!

The Olympic Park also houses the Fisht Stadium and the Ice Arena, where ice hockey matches and ice performances are held during the winter season.

Sochi Park

How much does the entrance cost: 1900 rubles - for adults, 1500 rubles - for children
Working hours: from 11:00 to 19:00

Amusement park number 1 in Russia, well, it seems like it is in the top 25 in Europe (as it is written on the website). Roller coasters with Russian names, attractions for very small, thematic performances - everything is here. And the hotel-castle Bogatyr, as if carved on a Disneyland stencil, which you will immediately see when you approach the park. Opening hours and prices for entrance to Sochi Park depend on the season, so it is better to check them on the website. Admission is cheaper in late autumn and winter.

Park Southern Cultures

How much does the entrance cost: 300 rubles - for adults, 150 rubles - for children from 7 to 14 years old
Working hours: from 9:00 to 19:00

It so happened that we lived next door to the Southern Cultures park. A good place for walking on a hot summer day, many different trees, something like the Sochi Arboretum, only simpler and more compact.

If you live in Adler, then you should definitely go. But to come specifically for the sake of the park from Sochi, probably not, it is better to walk to the local arboretum. And it is strange that the park is clearly inferior to the Sochi one - both in size and in the number of plants, but the price is the same.

Imeretinskaya embankment

The far part of the Imeretinskaya embankment (the most touristy), where there are many different establishments / cafes

Our favorite and most visited place in Adler is the embankment of the Nizhneimeretinskaya Bay. Here are collected all the main entertainment for every color and taste - bicycles, scooters, trampolines, a bunch of various cafes, shooting galleries and much more. It offers beautiful views of the sea, sunset and mountains. If you come in spring or late autumn, you will see the tops of the mountains in the snow. And if you look at them at sunset, you will find out what the optical effect of alpenglow is :)

I will immediately give useful and tasty advice. I recommend the Bakery next to the Radisson Collection Hotel and Surf Coffee by the port. There is also a Karma cafe nearby, which also has good coffee, but the food is mediocre.

The length of the embankment is more than 5 km, although, in my opinion, someone missed it. After all, if you take into account the embankment from the Mandarin shopping center and further, then the distance is definitely greater. There are bike lanes here, download the URent mobile app for bicycles (2-3 rubles per minute) and WHOOSH for electric scooters (3-5 rubles per minute). For a month and a half, we only moved around, never took a taxi.

Why I advise you to come at the beginning or end of the season: there are a LOT of people here in the summer! Even at the end of October there is no breath on the embankment, I'm afraid to imagine that here in July-September.

Krasnaya Polyana (Rosa Khutor)

How much does the entrance cost: 1590 rubles - for a full lift
Opening hours: from 9:00

Another place in my top list of Sochi attractions. We were here twice, climbed the Kamenny Stolb peak - the highest point of Rosa Khutor. By the way, we have written a guide to winter Krasnaya Polyana, and there is a video about the last climb with all the main points:

From Adler to Krasnaya Polyana, drive about 50 km, if you rent a car in Belka Car or YouDrive, parking and entry into the territory will be free for you. If you come by your own or just a rented car, you will need to pay for entry.

Our ascent was as follows: without stopping at 9:30 in the morning we climbed directly to the top of Rosa Khutor, from there we went down to the Mendelikha waterfalls, then we climbed back, but already to the peak of Kamenny Stolb, this is the highest point. You can go on foot, or you can take a lift. We tried both options and I advise you to choose the lift unequivocally, since you will go back on foot anyway - the lifts do not work on the descent. We went back to Krasnaya Polyana in the afternoon, and the total time to visit all the places was 6 hours.

Even my friends, who have been here several times, ask this question - "which lift to choose?" or "and what is there, are there a few lifts?" or "isn't it a ticket to all the peaks at once?" There are several lifts on Krasnaya Polyana, and they are all different, so tickets for them must also be taken separately. Of those that I know - Rosa Khutor, Krasnaya Polyana cable car and Gazprom. We were on the first two, and the second was free, because we stayed at the Courtyard by Marriott. If you come for 1 day, the most beautiful, in my opinion, place is Rosa Khutor, so I advise you to choose it.


Location: 11th km towards Krasnaya Polyana
How much does the entrance cost: 1,350 rubles, jump Bungy 207 - from 15,600 rubles.
Working hours: from 11:00 to 19:00

I used to think that there is just a very high bungee jumping over the Mzymta River, and it is pointless for those who love extreme sports to ride. But in fact, here you can just walk without a jump, there is a panoramic restaurant, a zipline (for adults and children), Bungee 69 - which you can probably decide on, it is much smaller. The height of the main one is really great, and many, even having paid a lot of money, refuse to jump at the last moment.

Entertainment that we liked in Sochi

We really liked the yacht trip: two factors of success are dolphins and sunny weather

In addition to attractions in Sochi, there are many other entertainments, below I will tell you about those that we tried ourselves.

1. Walking on a yacht

Excellent 1.5 hours at sea with dolphins - I made a video on YouTube about "what to see in Sochi" and showed them how they jump into the sea :) The cost of the walk varies depending on the season and demand - on average, from 1200 rubles per person. By the appointed time you need to come to the port, meet with the captain and go to sea! This is the # 1 entertainment that I recommend.

2. Sap-boards

The second, no less interesting, pastime at sea. True, this specifically requires physical effort. We rode several times, rented boards on the beach - the price was from 500 to 700 rubles per hour. Immediately I will give advice, if there are waves or strong currents in the sea, it is better to wait with skiing and postpone it for another day. But if it is calm, I advise you, and best of all, 1.5 hours before sunset - perfect!

3. Trip to Abkhazia

Such entertainment as a trip to another country, in my opinion, may already be interesting for this reason, but besides this, there are many beautiful natural attractions in Abkhazia - canyons, gorges, Lake Ritsa, cheeses and wine. We have been everywhere, the tour takes all day.
