Flights to Koh Samui from Moscow, monthly cost


Consider the prices of air tickets to Koh Samui, when is it more economical to fly on vacation and where to find cheap flights with a direct flight from Moscow, we will find out the cost of plane tickets by month.

Koh Samui is one of the most visited resort islands in Thailand. He gained his popularity relatively recently. Tourists fell in love with white beaches and amazing nature. More than a million tourists come here every year.

Holidays on Koh Samui are not only an unforgettable experience, but also a great opportunity to save money. Tickets to Koh Samui from Moscow are cheaper than to many other seaside resorts. However, it should be borne in mind that prices depend on the season.

How to get to Koh Samui?

First you need to decide how to get to the island. There are no problems with the trip, you can easily get there by plane, car, bus.

Full material with prices, timetables and other information on how to get an independent tourist to your destination cheaply from:

  • get to Koh Samui from Moscow and Bangkok,
  • trip to Koh Samui from Phuket.

It is worth noting that the prices for flights by month to Thailand are indicated on the date of publication, the exact cost can be found on Aviasales, it will find not only cheap flight options, but also favorable time between connections.

Airfare to Koh Samui in spring

Many tourists prefer to rest on Koh Samui in the spring, despite the fact that during this period it is very hot here. The thermometer rises to +35 degrees, and the water in the sea warms up to +29. It is incredibly beautiful at this time of the year. Tropical flowers bloom everywhere. By the end of spring, the rainy season begins, so tourists try to have time to rest until May.


Hot weather in early spring attracts a huge number of travelers. Vacationers prefer to spend time on the beach, where you can not only sunbathe and swim, but also actively spend time diving, windsurfing or snorkeling.

Every vacationer can find something to their liking here. If you want to buy cheap flights to Koh Samui, then you should choose flights with transfers, the cost of which in March is 22,400 rubles. A direct flight takes much less time, but costs an average of 33,000 rubles.

Perhaps you will be interested to know about the cost of tickets for the Moscow-Pattaya plane.

If you are not well versed in budget travel planning, then we advise you to find out where you can buy cheap flights.


In April it is still very hot, only at night comes the long-awaited coolness. Tourists come here to the beaches, however, you can diversify the rest and excursions. At the same time, you need to understand that in such heat it is rather difficult to endure long walks, therefore the number of excursions is significantly reduced.

Airfare to Koh Samui reaches the highest value. A direct flight will cost you an average of 45,800 rubles, and with transfers you can fly for 28,300 rubles.


In May, the number of tourists is significantly reduced. This is due to the beginning of the rainy season. It is still hot here, which is aggravated by stuffiness, high humidity and frequent precipitation. A vacation in May is unlikely to bring great pleasure to travelers, however, it will significantly save money.

If direct flights from May to February cost an average of 33,000 rubles, then for a flight with transfers you will have to pay about 22,600 rubles.

What you need for a vacation in Thailand:

  • prices for rental housing on Koh Samui, renting a villa, house, condo is very simple and profitable,
  • travel to the island using a package tour, the cost of vouchers can be found in a separate material.

How much are air tickets to Samui from Moscow in summer?

Summer is considered a low tourist season due to heavy rainfall. The air temperature drops a little, but rainy weather can spoil the rest. It can be noted that it rains frequently and is quite heavy.

However, the downpour usually does not last longer than 30 minutes, so you can choose the time for interesting sightseeing tours.


The beginning of summer is a great option for a budget vacation. In June, it is not crowded here, so you can very calmly relax on the seashore, or go sightseeing. The weather allows for long walks.

It usually rains at night or early in the morning, so it doesn't interfere with outdoor activities. Air tickets to Samui from Moscow can be purchased for 21,900 rubles. A direct flight will cost you 33,000 rubles.


Many tourists refuse to travel to Koh Samui in July, as they consider this month to be rainy and stuffy. However, this is not quite true.

The fact is that it rains quite often in July, but they come mainly in the evenings or at night. During the day, you can relax on the beach or travel along the numerous ecological routes.

It is rather difficult to purchase a ticket for a direct flight, you need to book it in advance. Its cost will be approximately 35,200 rubles. With a transfer, you can fly cheaper. The cost of such a flight is 26,000 rubles on average.


In August, the rainy season continues, and therefore few travelers arrive on the island. At the same time, rest at this time is calm and varied.

The temperature in the daytime is approximately +29 degrees, and at night +25 degrees. Rains do not interfere with a variety of excursion tours, since precipitation falls mainly at night, and during the day it is already dry and warm. There are few tourists, so tickets cost an average of 20,300 rubles. for a flight with transfers and 33,000 rubles. on a direct flight.

Flight cost to Koh Samui in autumn

Autumn is perhaps the worst time for a vacation on Koh Samui. Rains are more frequent and frequent during the daytime. In addition, winds begin on the island, which cause strong waves. This makes it difficult to relax on the beach, and sightseeing holidays too.


In September, the amount of precipitation increases, which occurs not only at night, but also in the daytime. The sky is often covered with clouds, so you won't be able to sunbathe on the beach. And the excursions can be spoiled by the rain, which can start at any moment. Air tickets to Samui from Moscow in September cost about 24,000 rubles.


The middle of autumn is characterized by frequent showers accompanied by strong winds. There are few guests, so many hotels on Koh Samui and excursion agencies are closing. Airfare prices are falling accordingly. A flight with transfers will cost you 22,500 rubles, but direct flights still cost 33,000 rubles.


The weather in November is not happy. Frequent rainfall and wind can ruin the rest, so tourists prefer to come at another, drier time. Prices are falling, as this direction is completely unclaimed in November.

A flight to Samui from Moscow costs 20,700 rubles. Even the cost of direct flights drops to 31,000 rubles.

The cheapest flights from Moscow to Phuket →

Prices for air tickets to Koh Samui in winter

Winter is the high tourist season. If at the beginning of winter the weather is still quite unpredictable, then by the end of December it becomes dry and warm. The island is filled with noisy tourists from all over the world.


In December, dry weather gradually sets in, which is suitable for visiting the beaches. Fans of excursions can also safely go to the island, where the weather is quite favorable for a hike along numerous ecological routes. Air tickets to Koh Samui cost 26,000 rubles if you fly with transfers, and 33,000 rubles. on a direct flight.


In January, a lot of holidaymakers come for the New Year holidays, so it is necessary to book a ticket and a hotel room in advance. Regardless of the fact that the tourist flow is greatly increasing, the prices for the flight are not very high.Direct flights to Samui from Moscow cost an average of 33,000 rubles, and a flight with transfers will cost you 22,500 rubles.


The last month of winter is the peak of the tourist season. Vacationers are offered various types of recreation. You can spend time on the beach or go on an excursion.

Although, do not forget that it is very hot in February, therefore, before going on an excursion, you need to stock up on water, and be sure to take a hat with you. You can buy a ticket Moscow - Samui for a direct flight for 33,000 rubles, and you can fly with transfers for 24,500 rubles.

Flight tickets to Koh Samui, monthly cost

If you are interested in other resorts in Thailand for a vacation on your own or with the help of package offers from a tour operator, then all the necessary information about prices, flights, hotels, meals and other aspects of the vacation can be found in the heading - Thailand.

Be sure to visit Fb "Travel Club", there is a lot of useful information and photos from all over the world.

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