The 30 best things to do in Saratov Oblast


The Saratov region is famous for several atypical sights at once. Gagarin and Titov landed here after their space flights. These were ordinary places in the past, now they are immortalized by memorial complexes, albeit small ones. Another amazing object is the Saratov Limonarium. Citrus fruits are grown here and are ready to share production secrets. Among other provincial art museums, Saratov ones stand out for the completeness of their collections and their diversity.

Moreover, you can find an interesting gallery not only in the main city of the region, but also in other settlements. There are also places for recreation, for example, a man-made waterfall formed by a dam. In summer, it is good to have a rest here with the whole family or a fun company. The banks of the Volga also pass in a separate line, amazing, at times, mystical, concealing legends and many of their secrets.

The most interesting and beautiful places in the region

List, photos with names and descriptions of the sights of the Saratov region!

Cliff of Stepan Razin

Located near the village of Belogorskoye. It is a cliff of the coast, the height of which is about 40 meters. The camp of the famous chieftain was located here. Archaeological excavations were carried out, and the objects found confirmed that the remaining traces of the settlement belong to the era of Stepan Razin. Many legends are associated with the cliff, one found a scientific explanation: the "conspiracy" of the mountain was the influence of electromagnetic radiation.

Khvalynsky National Park

Founded in 1994. Located in the area of ​​the same name. The area is 25 thousand hectares, but there are also private properties, also included in the park. Divided into three zones. The largest is economic, the smallest is recreational, the remaining is reserved. Widow diversity applies here not only to plants and animals, but also to the terrain. The highest mountains in the region are adjacent to swamps, ravines, valleys.

Saratov Automobile Bridge

Built across the Volga in 1965, it connects Saratov and Engels. The total length is 2825 meters. Several large repairs were carried out, partly forced. It is planned that the structure will serve for about 20 more years, and then it will be demolished or change its purpose - it will become a pedestrian. The bridge is famous for the visit of Gagarin and the Cosmonauts Embankment located nearby.

Radishchev Museum

Located in Saratov. Founded in 1885. The country's first art museum. The basis of the funds is the values ​​donated by Radishchev's grandson. The exposition includes works by Surikov, Repin, Malevich and other masters. There is an extensive library with old art books. Meetings and lectures are held in the lecture hall. A large hall is reserved for musical evenings and other events.

Recommended: Top 20 - museums of Saratov.

Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore

Founded in 1886. It was created at the local scientific archival commission. The museum changed several addresses until, in 1930, it settled in the Ustinov mansion, built at the beginning of the 19th century. Originally based on donated curiosities. The funds of the museum contain more than 400 thousand items. The collection includes: numismatics, old books, archaeological finds, graphics, icons, and more. There are 10 branches.

Lipki Park

Located in Saratov. Founded in 1825. It was originally laid out to refine the area around the cathedral, and later turned into an independent attraction. It received its current name 50 years after its opening. More than a thousand trees have been planted in the park, paths have been laid, benches have been installed, and there is good lighting. Nearby are the temple Soothe my sorrows and Babushkin's vzvoz.

Victory Park in Saratov

Founded in 1975. The area is about 80 hectares. Monuments located in the park: "Cranes" - a composition 40 meters high, "Silent Bell" is dedicated to those who died in battle, the Eternal Flame, etc. There is a museum of labor glory in the park, as well as the "National Village". In the latter one can learn about all nationalities, even small ones, inhabiting the region. Here are the farmsteads of Koreans, Tatars, Belarusians, Azerbaijanis.

Don't Miss: Top 25 - Saratov Monuments.

Gagarin field

Memorial complex near Smelovka, based on the place where Gagarin landed after his first space flight. The territory was not planned to be specially celebrated in any way, but the popular interest forced the authorities to single out a significant place against the general background. Nearby there are steles, a monument to Gagarin and photographs of famous figures in the space industry. A notable detail is a small copy of the Conquerors of Space.

Long-Range Aviation Museum

Opened in 2000. Located in Engels on the territory of the airbase. The exposition includes aircraft, cruise missiles, aerial bombs, uniforms, and other exhibits related to aviation. Fighting vehicles and other large objects are in the open air, a separate building is allocated for everything else. To get to the museum, you need to agree on a tour with the director in advance.

Temple "Soothe My Sorrows"

Located in Saratov. Founded in 1904. Named after the miraculous icon. Some of the details of the structure resemble St. Basil's Cathedral. Although the service was not carried out during the Soviet era, the building was not damaged. In 1993, the re-consecration took place. In modern times, restoration has been carried out, a new iconostasis has been installed, made in the Old Russian style. The library at the temple is extensive: it contains 8,500 books.

Garden of temples in Khvalynsk

In the past, there were about 20 church buildings in the city. During revolutions and wars, most were destroyed. Under the leadership of the abbot of one of the temples and a local historian, several models were created: Nikolsky Cathedral, the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the Resurrection Church of the Same Faith, the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, the Church of the Three Saints. They are set in an open-air garden.

Trinity Cathedral

Located in Saratov. Built in the second half of the 18th century. It survived largely due to the fact that in Soviet times it became a museum. Passed through restoration, including renewed frescoes. After the restoration, a museum was opened at the cathedral. The main shrine is the icon "The image of the Savior not made by hands". There is also a reliquary with 132 fragments of the relics of saints.

Conservatory named after L. V. Sobinov

Located in Saratov. Founded in 1912. It was the third in the country. Initially, it was formed on the basis of a music school. There are three concert halls: large, small and theater. The conservatory has several orchestras and choirs of different orientations, a student philharmonic society, ensembles and a theater. Teaching is carried out at 5 faculties.

Khvalynskaya Art Gallery named after K. S. Petrov-Vodkin

Founded in 1960. The exposition is based in a one-story brick building previously owned by Radishchev's grandson. The history of the gallery began with the opening of the art department at the local history museum. Later, Petrov-Vodkin donated several of his works to the city. After that, the number of canvases only increased. Now the works of Korovin, Pimenov, Golitsyn and other masters are exhibited here.

Saratov Limonarium

Nursery where lemons are grown. Located on Sokolovaya Gora. In one place, about 30 species of exotic plants are collected, including different varieties of citrus fruits. Tourists are allowed to stroll through the territory and breathe in the air saturated with natural aromas. If you wish, you can buy seedlings or tree sprouts. Excursions must be arranged in advance.

Museum-Estate of N. G. Chernyshevsky

Located in Saratov. Founded in 1920. The writer was born in this house and lived periodically.On the territory there are a couple of outbuildings, the Panins' house and a building where a literary exposition is presented. The funds include over 50 thousand items. The area of ​​the museum does not allow to exhibit everything. Exhibitions periodically replace each other and are updated. In addition to educational work, research work is also carried out here.

K. A. Fedin Museum

Located in Saratov. Founded in 1981. Dedicated to the life and creative work of a Soviet journalist and writer, as well as the history of literature of the last century. The exposition is dedicated to a remarkable building - an 18th century mansion, recognized as an architectural monument. The collection includes books, documents, visual arts, magazines, graphics, manuscripts, and more.

House-Museum of V.I. Chapaev

Located in Balakovo. Opened in 1948. Chapaev spent his childhood and youth in this area. The atmosphere of those years has been recreated. Part of the exposition is devoted specifically to the peaceful life of the commander of the Red Army. Among the exhibits are not only things of Vasily Ivanovich himself, but also of his associates, including the machine gunner, who became the prototype of the famous Anka.

I. Panfilov Memorial Museum

Located in Petrovsk. Has been working since 1983. Dedicated to the general of the Soviet army, who commanded a rifle division in the defense of Moscow. Organized by the local school. She is still in charge of the museum. Collected personal belongings of Panfilov, materials about him, photographs and so on. The rooms are divided into periods and tell about childhood, the beginning of a career, the war years.

Estate of Paisiy Maltsev

Located in the city of Balakovo. Built in the 80s of the XIX century. There is a mansion in the center. In addition to it, the complex includes: a lilac garden, a utility block, a laundry, stables. In the XX century, additional decorative elements appeared, both external and internal. The original fence has been preserved. Previously, the house of pioneers and the house of creativity were based here, now it is a museum.

Landing place of German Titov

The landing took place in 1962. Since then, the territory of the agricultural cartel, where he descended, Titov began to attract seekers of everything unusual. The commemoration of this memorable moment began with pegs and an iron sign. Then a wooden obelisk appeared. It was dismantled, the site was empty, and Saratov sculptors made a new monument in the early 80s.

Monument to the Salt Bull in Engels

Installed in 2003. Height 3 meters. Dedicated to the monument to the past of the city and the surrounding area. When salt was very expensive, it was mined nearby and transported along trade routes, oxen and bulls were the main means of transport. The monument is a bull with a salt shaker on its back, which seems to emerge from the Engels coat of arms. Although the city's specialization has changed, this is part of its history.

Serpent Mountains

They are located in the Volsky and Voskresensky districts. They are a natural monument with a total area of ​​7884 hectares. The territory includes not only the hills, but everything around and between them. The vegetation here is of mixed type, dominated by grass and low shrubs. Slopes are subject to destruction from time and winds. They take on unusual shapes.

Balakovo Waterfall

It is located on the Bolshoi Irgiz River on the border of the region of the same name. The bank around the dam is reinforced with concrete. The dam is about 90 meters wide. The resulting waterfall is low, but has rapids. Concrete restraints have been left around. Swimming is not possible everywhere. The area attracts tourists during the warm season. There are parking spaces. Mobile retail outlets appear in the summer. Nearby is the Dolgy Gai tract.

Volsky quarry

Located near the village of Krasny Oktyabr. It belonged to a brick factory that has been operating since the beginning of the last century. Changed owners, prisoners worked here, sometimes stood idle. Closed around the 70s. The Volsky quarry also remained abandoned. Its white walls are a cut of the eras: upon closer examination, you can find the remains of living creatures dating back to the Mesozoic era. The pit is partially flooded, there are islets and a lot of greenery.

Kudeyarova cave

It is located in the Novoburask region. The natural monument also includes a mountain and a river. Most of the cave is now under the rubble. There is a legend that the treasures of the robbers are hidden here and kept under lock and key. The key is hidden in the spring, and it must be completely bled out in order to take possession of the valuables. Archaeological excavations were carried out, but nothing of value was found.

House with a lion in Popovka

Located in the village of Popovka. Presumably built in the 19th century. Attention was drawn to him by students who went on an expedition. The area is famous for its Old Believer monasteries and settlements. Therefore, the wall drawings found in the house immediately began to be studied through the prism of this information. All of them are associated with the Gospel, only a part has survived. The most famous is the lion with human eyes.

Vavilov Dol

Located near the village of Shchigry. It was formed by a robber, after whom it was named. He was blinded for numerous crimes and left for dead. Babila repented, dug a cave in the forest and devoted his life to prayers. Other hermits began to join him. This is how the cave monastery was formed. During the war years, he and the church built nearby were almost destroyed. Now there is a chapel with a well and a font.

Cliff Blue Sphere

Located near the village of Zolotoe. It is part of the White Bank of the Volga. It is a cliff with a characteristic color. Cretaceous rocks give it a hue. The height is about 100 meters. The length is about 2 km. The vertical surface is not uniform, stripes and waves appear. Rocky outliers are especially clearly visible in contrast to the depressions that appear between them.

Saratov reservoir

It has been operating since 1968. It is located on the Volga, formed by the Saratov hydroelectric power station. The area is 1831 km², the maximum depth is 33 meters. On the right bank - forest-steppe, on the left - steppe. Several cities are located on the coast. It is used for shipping, industrial needs and water supply of settlements. Regulates the flow of the river. Fish is found, so they often come here specifically for carp and pike.
